CORTEX was heavily represented at the 9th European Commission Conferences on EURATOM Research and Training in Safety of Reactor Systems and Radioactive Waste Management (FISA 2019 – Euradwaste’ 19) on June 4-7 in Pitesti, Romania with one paper (jointly written with the coordinators of the HPMC, McSAFE and NURESAFE projects), one corresponding oral presentation, one poster on CORTEX as a whole and three additional posters of PhD students involved in CORTEX (Huaiqian Yi from Chalmers University of Technology, Aiden Durrant from the University of Lincoln, and Amanda Carreño from Universitat Politècnica de València). Moreover, two out of the three prizes for the best posters in the PhD category were attributed to Huaiqian and Aiden. Congratulations to them!